I'm trying to use gulp-inject
but something is not syncing up properly. I think it has to do with my cleaning task.
gulp.task("clean", function () {
return gulp.src([
], { read: false })
This runs before my compile tasks, such as:
gulp.task("dev:tsc", ["clean"], function () {
return tsResult.js
Then all my compile steps run before a build task:
function injectTask(assets) {
var layout = gulp.src("Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml");
var sources = gulp.src(assets, { read: false });
return layout.pipe(inject(sources, {
ignorePath: "wwwroot",
addPrefix: "~",
addRootSlash: false
gulp.task("dev:build", ["dev:tsc", "...other tasks..."], function () {
var vendorSources = vendorConfig.map(function (vendor) {
return ["wwwroot/js", vendor.srcFile].join("/");
return injectTask(vendorSources.concat([
Sometimes all my files get injected, sometimes some are missing. Sometimes I get an error about a file missing. I suspect I'm missing some step to correctly declare dependencies on the streams and prevent them from overlapping, I just can't see what it is. The complete gulpfile is here. Any ideas?