I have 2 GraphQL servers + 1 that should stick them into one. I cannot get my head around the Stitching.graphql file and how it works. I tried the tutorials on the Hot Chocolate website and webinars but still no luck.
- Pokemon - is working on its own
schema {
query: PokemonQuery
type PokemonQuery {
pokemon: [PokemonModel!]!
type PokemonModel {
id: Int!
pokemon: String!
species_id: Int!
height: Float!
weight: Float!
base_experience: Int!
type_1: String!
type_2: String!
hp: Int!
attack: Int!
defense: Int!
special_attack: Int!
special_defense: Int!
speed: Int!
color_1: String!
color_2: String!
color_f: String!
egg_group_1: String!
egg_group_2: String!
url_icon: String!
generation_id: Int!
url_image: String!
- Pokemon Images - is working on its own
type Query {
pokemonImage: [PokemonImage!]!
pokemonImageById(id: String!): PokemonImage!
type PokemonImage {
id: String!
url: String!
I'm trying to stitch those 2 into one.
// Pokemon
builder.Services.AddHttpClient(Pokemon, c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:7071/api/graphql"));
// Pokemon image
builder.Services.AddHttpClient(PokemonImage, c => c.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:7074/api/graphql"));
.AddRemoteSchema(Pokemon, ignoreRootTypes: true)
.AddRemoteSchema(PokemonImage, ignoreRootTypes: true)
.AddTypeExtensionsFromString("type Query { }")
type PokemonMasterDTO {
id : String!
extend type Query {
pokemonTest: PokemonMasterDTO! @delegate(schema: "PokemonImage", path: "pokemonImageById(id: $fields:id)")
schema {
query: Query
I cannot figure it out :(
"errors": [
"message": "A field with the name `id` does not exist.",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
What I would love to have is PokemonModel + PokemonImage
type PokemonMasterDTO {
id: Int!
pokemon: String!
//... rest of the props from PokemonModel
url: String!
I have been working with graphql schema stitching in .net 8 using Hot Chocolate.
I usually stitch my schema using the 1st graphql server generated schema and so on, which is incorrect in your case.
Now, when you run this stitched graphql server, you can run
PokemonModel + PokemonImage
together in yourbanana cake pop
as -Optionally, you can also write your final schema in your finalSchema.graphql file by adding this in your
-I hope this resolve your error for schema stitching provided that you have installed necessary dependencies and added your remote graphql connections successfully.