Gradle 3.0 No resource found from other module in project

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I have upgraded Android Gradle plugin to 3.0. I have multiple modules in my project. So for different buildTypes (say, release) in module, I have also added releaseImplementation project(':otherModule') in main App module gradle. In some layout xml file in main App module, when I am trying to get some resource (present in otherModule), I get following error.

AAPT: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'text' with value '@string/some_string').

My project Structure looks like

├── app-module
│   |__ build.gradle
│   |__ src
│       |__ main
│            |__ res
├── othermodule
│   |__ src
│   |    |__ main
│   |         |__ res
│   |__ build.gradle
|__ build.gradle (root)
|__ settings.gradle

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