Google App Engine Custom Domain not working | DNS records could not be found

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I have been struggling to complete the creation of a subdomain for Google Cloud's App Engine.

The website is hosted on

The DNS records are on Cloudflair

I have got as far as adding a subdomain and adding Google's suggested DNS records to Cloudflair in various combinations but the Google-managed SSL Security says the DNS records cannot be found?

You can view the Custom Domain on Google Cloud's App Engine here

You can view the cloudflair scenario 1 (adding of A records & AAAA records) here

You can view the cloudflair scenario 2 (adding of CNAME record) here

Cloudflair have advised me that I cannot add a CNAME record if I've used A & AAAA records - does that make sense?

Google have advised me that "always use HTTPS" must be switched off on the SSL/TLS Edge Certificate which I can confirm it is.

When I call up the subdomain ( in a browser it says the handshake failed - see here

Can anybody advise me as to why Google is saying the DNS records cannot be found? Are there other parameters that need setting up in order to make this work?

Any help would be most appreciated


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