Go to specific dynamic url on click in table with specific cell data reference - Jquery

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I have an html table like below

| col1  | col2  | col3  | col4  | col5  | col6    | col7    | col8    | col9    |
| data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 | button1 | button2 | button3 | button4 |
| data6 | data7 | data8 | data9 | data0 | button1 | button2 | button3 | button4 |

columns 6-9 contains buttons with corresponding names and ids as shown.

What I want is,

When the user click but 1 in row 1, the page should go to a url www.example.com/sample.php?but1=data1 and when the user click but 1 in row 2, the page should go to a url www.example.com/sample.php?but1=data6. similarly, the buttons 2, 3 and 4 should redirect the page to www.example.com/sample2.php?but1=data1, www.example.com/sample3.php?but1=data1, www.example.com/sample4.php?but1=data1 in row 1 and www.example.com/sample2.php?but1=data6, www.example.com/sample3.php?but1=data6, and www.example.com/sample4.php?but1=data6 in row 2.

How can I make this possible using jquery??

The table contains more rows than shown here..

Here is my table

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>
<table style="width: 100%" id="mytable" name="mytable">
        <td name="datacol" id="datacol">data1</td>
        <td id="data1" class="button1" name="button1" style="cursor:pointer">button1</td>
        <td id="data1" class="button2" name="button2" style="cursor:pointer">button2</td>
        <td id="data1" class="button3" name="button3" style="cursor:pointer">button3</td>
        <td id="data1" class="button4" name="button4" style="cursor:pointer">button4</td>
        <td name="datacol" id="datacol">data6</td>
        <td id="data6" class="button1" name="button1" style="cursor:pointer">button1</td>
        <td id="data6" class="button2" name="button2" style="cursor:pointer">button2</td>
        <td id="data6" class="button3" name="button3" style="cursor:pointer">button3</td>
        <td id="data6" class="button4" name="button4" style="cursor:pointer">button4</td>

the button cells are modified table ells with pointer cursor ;)

the url distribution should be like;

first row
button1: www.example.com/1111.php?aa=data1
button2: www.example2.com/2222.php?bb=data1
button3: www.example3.com/3333.php?cc=data1
button4: www.example4.com/4444.php?dd=data1

second row
button1: www.example.com/1111.php?aa=data6
button2: www.example2.com/2222.php?bb=data6
button3: www.example3.com/3333.php?cc=data6
button4: www.example4.com/4444.php?dd=data6

I need a code like this;

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $('.button1').click(function() {
        $('.button2').click(function() {
        $('.button3').click(function() {
        $('.button4').click(function() {

Thanks in advance.. :)



There are 3 answers


Finally I solved it.. First of all I thank Vivek, Prescott, JustcallmeDrago, BiAiB and Gordon... :) Thanks guyz..

I made it through

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    $('.button1').click(function() {
   window.location = "www.example.com/1111.php?aa=" + this.id;
    $('.button2').click(function() {
   window.location = "www.example2.com/2222.php?bb=" + this.id;
    $('.button3').click(function() {
   window.location = "www.example3.com/3333.php?cc=" + this.id;
    $('.button4').click(function() {
   window.location = "www.example4.com/4444.php?dd=" + this.id;
Vivek On

put this in a javaScript file

$(function () {
    $("#myUniqueTable input[type=button]").click(function () {
         tdValue= $(this).parents('tr').find('td').eq(0).text() ;
         columnIndex = $(this).parents('tr').find('td').index(this)
         url= 'www.example.com/sample'+columnIndex +'.php?but1='+tdValue    
BiAiB On

you can do it this way:

  1. name your cells id according to their col/row like <td id="myTable1-3">...</td>
  2. use a delegate Handler on the table
  3. retrieve row and col number from cell's id
  4. redirect


 $('#yourtable').delegate( "td", "click", function() {

        var id = $(this).attr( "id" );

        // There're far better ways to get those number with regex or whatever
        var pos = id.split('myTable')[1]; 
        var col = parseInt( pos.split('-')[0] );
        var row = parseInt( pos.split('-')[1] );

        // Now you have the col and row numbers of the clicked cell, 
        // you can generate your url and open it as needed

    } );