github action wrongly thinks output is a secret

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I have a github action workflow job that has a couple of outputs that github is detecting as secrets by they are not at all. One is the first 7 chars of github.sha and the another is random UUID that I generate using uuidgen.

These outputs are used by multiple other jobs in the same workflow, so I can't just move the steps in the job where I used them because then I have to duplicate the code.

This is the warning I am getting:

enter image description here

How does github assume that it may contain a secret? Is it because of the property name and/or value?

So if I try to read these outputs from another job, they are empty and break the logic of the workflow.

Is there a way to force to not skip these outputs?


I added now the sha_short but the other output was already exported and used before. It was working, now it's detected as secret. I am doing some attempt to fix it and sometime sha_short is exported. It seems quite random.

I tried to change the name of the variables and generate values with a different format using nanoid. At moment it looks like pretty random. Sometime one is skipped and sometime the other is skipped. So yeah, the ideal it would be something that tells the runner to never skip these two outputs.


   **mecho "docker_build_image_trigger=eff63***95-***ef***-***68c-9edb-***6570a8eb79c" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
  **mecho "sha_short=dba69ba" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT


  - name: Setup AWS
    if: env.SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES == 'false'
    uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v1
      aws-access-key-id: ${{ env.TF_VAR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
      aws-secret-access-key: ${{ env.TF_VAR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}
      aws-region: ${{ env.TF_VAR_AWS_REGION }}

  - name: Write secrets
    if: env.SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES == 'false'
    run: |
      aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id puck-legacy-${{ needs.get-environment-info.outputs.environment }}-secrets --output text --query SecretString >> aws-secrets.json

  - name: Get docker build image trigger
    id: docker-build-image-trigger
    if: env.SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES == 'false'
    uses: sergeysova/jq-action@v2
      cmd: cat aws-secrets.json | jq -r .INFRA_REBUILD_TRIGGER

  - name: Get sha short
    id: sha-short
    if: env.SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES == 'false'
    uses: sergeysova/jq-action@v2
      cmd: cat aws-secrets.json | jq -r .ACTION_CURRENT_COMMIT

  - name: nanoid
    id: nanoid
    if: env.SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES == 'true'
    run: |
      echo "nanoid=$(npx nanoid -s 8 -a 1234567890abcdef)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

  - name: Current commit
    id: current-commit
    if: env.SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES == 'true'
    run: |
      SHA=${{ github.sha }}
      echo "hash=${SHA:0:7}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

  - name: Get outputs
    id: get-outputs
    run: |
      echo "rebuild_trigger=${{ steps.docker-build-image-trigger.outcome == 'success' && steps.docker-build-image-trigger.outputs.value || steps.nanoid.outputs.nanoid }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      echo "current_commit=${{ steps.sha-short.outcome == 'success' && steps.sha-short.outputs.value || steps.current-commit.outputs.hash }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

In the tests that I am running SHOULD_REBUILD_DOCKER_IMAGES is 'true', so many of the steps are skipped and outputs are always new.

Another job in the workflow where I want read those outputs:

    needs: [get-environment-info, get-dependent-info]
      TF_VAR_ACTION_CURRENT_COMMIT: ${{ needs.get-dependent-info.outputs.current_commit }}
      TF_VAR_INFRA_REBUILD_TRIGGER: ${{ needs.get-dependent-info.outputs.rebuild_trigger }}

      - name: Job info
        run: |

The output is:


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