getting readscript error when running botium-cli (Botium)

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I am trying out botium-cli for the first time and I am unable to run the sample script. I get the following error:

xxxx-MacBook-Pro:Botium xxxxx$ npx botium-cli run --convos .
                throw err;

BotiumError: ReadScript - an error occurred at 'node_modules/accepts/' file: "*" not expected here (Line 4): expecting parent "##" for "*"
    at botiumErrorFromErr (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/BotiumError.js:85:12)
    at ScriptingProvider.ReadScript (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:522:13)
    at /Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:452:71
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at ScriptingProvider.ReadScriptsFromDirectory (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:451:14)
    at /Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:109:14
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at handler (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:108:15)
    at Object.builder.handler (/Users/xxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-cli/bin/botium-cli.js:34:7)
    at Object.runCommand (/Users/xxxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/yargs/build/index.cjs:446:48) {
  context: {
    err: Error: "*" not expected here (Line 4): expecting parent "##" for "*"
        at _toStructuredMarkdown (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/CompilerMarkdown.js:55:19)
        at CompilerMarkdown.Compile (/Users/xxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/CompilerMarkdown.js:70:24)
        at ScriptingProvider.Compile (/Users/xxxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:407:21)
        at ScriptingProvider.ReadScript (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:515:31)
        at /Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:452:71
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at ScriptingProvider.ReadScriptsFromDirectory (/Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-core/src/scripting/ScriptingProvider.js:451:14)
        at /Users/xxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:109:14
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at handler (/Users/xxxxx/Desktop/Botium/node_modules/botium-cli/src/run/index.js:108:15),
    message: `ReadScript - an error occurred at 'node_modules/accepts/' file: "*" not expected here (Line 4): expecting parent "##" for "*"`

Steps I took to run:

  • botium-cli init
  • botium-cli run


  • OSX Big Sur 11.2 (M1 mac)
  • node v14.15.4
  • botium-cli v1.0.4

Am I missing something or do I need a specific version of node?


There are 1 answers

Florian Treml On

By default, Botium CLI will traverse the current directory for files that it considers to contain test cases. There are plenty of file formats supported by Botium - text, markdown, excel, csv, json, yaml and even custom formats (see Botium Docs for more information).

You can come around this issue by:

  • Place your test case files into another directory, suggested is to name it tests or spec, and use the --spec command line argument to Botium CLI to point to this directory that contains test files only.

  • Botium also respects a .gitignore file - so if you place the node_modules folder within a .gitignore file, it should work as well