Getting and displaying IMDB poster on private webserver with PHP/JS/JQUERY(/PY?)

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I know this question has been asked. But the latest one I found was over 3 years ago.

I have an imdb movie id and I want to get the poster and display it in the results of a query. (e.g. user searches a query through php/html (ive got that sorted so far) and a list of movies comes up. each movie has an imdb movie id. I want to display the poster image next to/with the movie name in the query).

I know that on the imdb page the img I want has id=poster(or something similar) in the img tag. do i need to search the webpage for something with id=poster then copy the link somehow? how?

I hope someone can help. I've tried all day using almost everything I can find but i cant get to work. a common fix in some i found was but thats shut down and become (which if i want their poster api, I will need to donate.)

Doesn't Plex use something similar to get their pictures? (I'm not sure though.)

If i use PHP i might overload the server because it'll be taking all the images and sending them to the user. So if i used a Jquery/JS method that would place majority of the 'strain' on the user's device by getting them to access the urls themselves. instead of being handed the images over the Internet. I think.

Efficient or not. This is just a prototype webpage.


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