Get XML content from XmlNodeList

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I have a question that may seem very simple, but it's giving me a headache. I have this XML file that has multiple entries, like:

       <author name="**" age="**" />
       <title name="zz" font="yyy" size="uuu"/>
       <author name="**" age="**" />
       <title name="zz" font="yyy" size="uuu"/>

Now, in order to get the XML content for first cover of book with id=1, I do this:

XmlNodeList b = root.SelectNodes("/books/book[contains(id,1)]/firstCover");

Then I would really need to take the whole content of what's inside the firstCover for that book :

<author name="**" age="**" />
<title name="zz" font="yyy" size="uuu"/>

and insert it into an XmlElement. This is where I'm stucked. I know I can do it with a foreach loop in XmlNodeList, but is there a more simple way?


There are 1 answers

Paul Farry On

I'm guessing you want to actually insert it into an XMLElement in another XMLDocument.

Is this what you are looking for?

XmlDocument sourceDoc = new XmlDocument();
//This is loading the XML you present in your Question.
XmlElement root = sourceDoc.DocumentElement;

XmlElement b = (XmlElement)root.SelectSingleNode("/books/book[contains(id,1)]/firstCover");

XmlDocument destDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement destRoot = destDoc.CreateElement("base");
XmlElement result = destDoc.CreateElement("firstCover");

result.InnerXml = b.InnerXml;
