Get CPU usage via SSH

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I want to retrieve the CPU utilization percentage via SSH and I have tried the command "top" but it will not let me.

I am using CentOS 6.

I tried this code

$connection = ssh2_connect("IP", PORT);
ssh2_auth_password($connection, "root", "PASS");
$stream = ssh2_exec($connection, "top");
$errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);

// Enable blocking for both streams
stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true);
stream_set_blocking($stream, true);

// Whichever of the two below commands is listed first will receive its appropriate output.  The second command receives nothing
echo "Output: " . stream_get_contents($stream);
echo "Error: " . stream_get_contents($errorStream);

// Close the streams        

But its every time give me an error: Output: Error: TERM environment variable not set.

I'm using PHP.


There are 5 answers

user3120926 On BEST ANSWER

Thanks everyone but I managed. I did this command:

top -b -n 10 -d.2 | grep 'Cpu' |  awk 'NR==3{ print($2)}'
Tharanga Abeyseela On

you can use

top -n 1
neubert On

phpseclib, a pure PHP SSH implementation, has a nifty discussing of how to do top in PHP with it:

ie. you need a PTY.

echo $ansi->getScreen();

You can do it with interactive mode too:

echo $ansi->getScreen();

Note that the output will have ANSI escape codes. Here's an example of what it'll look like if the ANSI escape codes are rendered to HTML:

Daniel Garmoshka On

top shows CPU load in current moment, thus it may mislead, when there is processes which use CPU not continuously.

cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1, $8}'
  • will output average system load for 1 last minute. For idle system it will be 0.0, for loaded system it will be 0.5, 1.5 and above. when heavy task launched - it will instantly jump above 0.1.

to wait for idle system I use:

  while true
    load=`cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1, $8}'`
    if (( $(echo "$load < 0.05" |bc -l) )); then
    echo -ne "Waiting for idle system: $load> 0.05... \033[0K\r"
    sleep 1
reka18 On

Even better would be to simply install glances.

sudo apt install glances

Then simply run glances. Then your output would look like this. You can change the update speed.

$yourhostname - IP x.x.x.x/x Pub                  Uptime: 0:41:24

CPU  [  1.4%]   CPU -     1.4%  MEM -   10.8%  SWAP -    0.0%  LOAD    12-core
MEM  [ 10.7%]   user:     1.0%  total:  31.4G  total:   2.00G  1 min:    0.71
SWAP [  0.0%]   system:   0.4%  used:   3.38G  used:        0  5 min:    0.73
                idle:    98.5%  free:   28.0G  free:    2.00G  15 min:   0.69

NETWORK     Rx/s   Tx/s   TASKS 322 (1136 thr), 1 run, 235 slp, 86 oth 
eno1          0b     0b
lo           2Kb    2Kb   Systemd          6    Services loaded: 190 active: 190
_xxxxxxxx     0b    4Kb
                            CPU%  MEM%   PID USER        NI S Command 
DefaultGateway     62ms      4.2   0.9  1923 xxx          0 S cinnamon --replace
                             2.9   0.1  9055 xxx          0 R /usr/bin/python3 /
DISK I/O     R/s    W/s      1.9   0.5  1323 root         0 S /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
disk1          0    91K      1.3   0.0  1338 root         0 S irq/74-nvidia
partition1     0      0      1.3   0.1  8586 xxx          0 S /usr/lib/gnome-ter
partition2     0    91K      1.0   0.4  8907 xxx          0 S /opt/google/chrome
sda1           0      0      0.6   1.0  5381 xxx          0 S /home/xxx/Programs
sdc1           0      0      0.3   0.5  2102 xxx          0 S /opt/google/chrome
                             0.3   0.4  2689 xxx          0 S /opt/google/chrome
FILE SYS    Used  Total      0.3   0.6  4831 xxx          0 S /home/xxx/Programs
/          15.6G   228G
2019-02-13 05:39:04       No warning or critical alert detected