Get conditional branch slot from MIPS cross compiler

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How can I get conditional branch slot, in which an instruction from before or after the branch is moved to fill in the slot, using mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc cross compiler?

I just use the command to get the MIPS code:

./mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc -O2 -fno-delayed-branch -S ha.c;

However, I just get nop instructions after bne instructions. The -O2 and -fno-delayed-branch options seem not working.

Here is the content of ha.c:

int intcompare(int *x, int *y)
    if (*x < *y)
        return -1;
    else if (*x > *y)
        return 1;
    else return 0;

int mod1(int x, int N)
    if (x >= N)
        x -= N;
    return x;

int main()
    return 0;

and here is the content of ha.s

    .file   1 "ha.c"
    .section .mdebug.abi32
    .gnu_attribute 4, 3
    .option pic0
    .align  2
    .globl  intcompare
    .set    nomips16
    .ent    intcompare
    .type   intcompare, @function
    .frame  $sp,0,$31       # vars= 0, regs= 0/0, args= 0, gp= 0
    .mask   0x00000000,0
    .fmask  0x00000000,0
    .set    noreorder
    .set    nomacro
    lw  $2,0($4)
    lw  $3,0($5)
    slt $4,$2,$3
    bne $4,$0,$L3

    slt $2,$3,$2
    j   $31

    li  $2,-1           # 0xffffffffffffffff
    j   $31

    .set    macro
    .set    reorder
    .end    intcompare
    .size   intcompare, .-intcompare
    .align  2
    .globl  mod1
    .set    nomips16
    .ent    mod1
    .type   mod1, @function
    .frame  $sp,0,$31       # vars= 0, regs= 0/0, args= 0, gp= 0
    .mask   0x00000000,0
    .fmask  0x00000000,0
    .set    noreorder
    .set    nomacro
    slt $3,$4,$5
    move    $2,$4
    bne $3,$0,$L6

    subu    $2,$4,$5
    j   $31

    .set    macro
    .set    reorder
    .end    mod1
    .size   mod1, .-mod1
    .section    .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
    .align  2
    .globl  main
    .set    nomips16
    .ent    main
    .type   main, @function
    .frame  $sp,0,$31       # vars= 0, regs= 0/0, args= 0, gp= 0
    .mask   0x00000000,0
    .fmask  0x00000000,0
    .set    noreorder
    .set    nomacro
    move    $2,$0
    j   $31

    .set    macro
    .set    reorder
    .end    main
    .size   main, .-main
    .ident  "GCC: (OpenWrt/Linaro GCC 4.8-2014.04 r44162) 4.8.3"

There are 2 answers

markgz On

Looking at the compiler output, none of the preceding instructions can be moved into the branch delay slots, so the compiler has no choice but to fill the delay slots with nop instructions.

Here is an example that will use a branch delay slot (when compiled with -O or higher):

int add_one(int i) {
  return i+1;

mipsel-linux-uclibc-objdump output:

Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <add_one>:
   0:   03e00008        jr      ra
   4:   24820001        addiu   v0,a0,1

What gcc optimization options were you using?

José Salavert Torres On

With the flag -fno-delayed-branch you are disabling the delay slot optimization. Just use -fdelayed-branch to enable it.

You can add to gcc the flags -Q --help=optimizers in order to get info about which optimizations are being enabled with a certain combination of parameters.

EDIT: The output of -Q --help=optimizers might show the options you wanted the gcc to enable. However gcc can be working with a different config / flags.