I'm trying to parse an image to a byte array and send it to my web service. Problem is, I couldn't find any way to read the bytearraycontent (in the past I have used HttpContext.Current.Request.Files but obviously it isn't there)... any help please?
EDIT - I managed to get the added form data but it won't save the image properly. I switches to stringContent and it still doesn't work, the received string is exactly the same size as the string I sent and yet it can't open it. Added ' requestValidationMode="2.0" ' in web.config.
public async Task uploadAP()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
MultipartFormDataContent form = new MultipartFormDataContent();
string str = File.ReadAllText(DEBRIS_PIC_PATH);
form.Add(new StringContent(str), "ap");
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync("", form);
and obviously something like:
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public void uploadAP()
string t = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["ap"];
FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(debrisApPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
objfilestream.Write(binaryWriteArray, 0, binaryWriteArray.Length);
Apologies for the delay. Here is an example I promised with old-style ASMX web service that will read
from a client, following which I will offer two caveats...I surely echo John Saunders' comments that, for ground-up web service work, a project like this should take a good, hard look at WCF/WebAPI, not ASMX. I had forgotten what a pain ASMX-based web services could be.
I won't promise this is the ideal way to get this data on the web service side; there are almost surely more elegant/efficient/better/slicker/faster ways to do it. I kept finding roadblocks that I think are tied to the limitations of the old-style web service model. This, however, as best I can test, works"
mode allowed me to access the Form collection, whereas without it, it wasn't available at all without parsing/drilling into the boundary data.Good luck. I hope this helps.