I'm trying to create 100k ethereum wallets for test purposes. All should use same pass phrase, because it doesn't matter right now. I launched this code with 10 threads and it froze my macbook, I had to restart it. 3 thread somewhat work, but it's still very slow (generates like ~6 wallets a second). What's wrong? I'm using web3j dependency
public EthWallets(String[] args)
File destinationDir = new File("ethwallets/");
if(args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("create")) {
try {
int count = Integer.valueOf(args[2]);
if(count > 10)
final int threadedCount = count / 10;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Thread t = new Thread()
public void run() {
for(int j = 0; j < threadedCount; j++)
create("passphph", destinationDir);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
create("passphph", destinationDir);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void create(String passPhrase, File destinationDirectory)
try {
String path = WalletUtils.generateFullNewWalletFile(passPhrase, destinationDirectory);
// Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials(passPhrase, new File(path));
// System.out.println("address: " + credentials.getAddress());
// System.out.println("private: " + credentials.getEcKeyPair().getPrivateKey());
// System.out.println("public: " + credentials.getEcKeyPair().getPublicKey());
} catch (Exception e) {
I suggest you to read this reply from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1718522/5632150
As he said, the number of threads you can spawn depends on the fact that your threads do or do not any I/O operation. If so there are some ways to optimize this problem. If not I usually do MAX_THREADS = N_CORES + 1.