Generate well formed routes from MenuBuilder class in Symfony2

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I've this route defined in a controller:

 * @Secure(roles="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY")
 * @Route(
 *        "/proccess/{slug}", 
 *        requirements={"slug": "^([a-zA-Z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*)+$"}, 
 *        name="registerRPNI"
 * )
public function indexAction(Request $request)

And I need to set the right route in KNPMenuBundle MenuBuilder class. I'm doing as follow:

->addChild('Process RPNI', array(
     'uri' => '/process/national-and-imported-products-registration',

And it works for dev environment since route shows the right page and execute the right code but if I move away from dev and goes live to prod then I got a 404 Not found, what I'm doing wrong in this case? What should be the right way to generate the routes inside the MenuBuilder class? Any advice around this?


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