I am rather new to developing with LLMs. I am trying to write an RAG based app in Streamlit with Gemini's API using google embeddings. The goal of the app is to retrieve information from PDFs (which is my RAG's knowledge base) when answering the user's requests. I used Streamlit for the interfacing, FAISS for the vector DB.
Here's the code with which I make the calling :
# Get the user's question
question = st.chat_input("Ask here")
# Handle the user's question
if question:
vectordb = st.session_state.get("vectordb", None)
if not vectordb:
with st.message("assistant"):
st.write("You need to provide a PDF")
# Search the vectordb for similar content to the user's question
search_results = vectordb.similarity_search(question, k=3)
# sources of result
pdf_extract = "/n ".join([result.page_content for result in search_results])
# Update the prompt with the pdf extract
prompt[0] = {
"role": "system",
"content": prompt_template.format(pdf_extract=pdf_extract),
# Add the user's question to the prompt and display it
prompt.append({"role": "user", "content": question})
with st.chat_message("user"):
# Display an empty assistant message while waiting for the response
with st.chat_message("assistant"):
botmsg = st.empty()
response = []
result = ""
response = model.generate_content(prompt)
model is
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro')
After setting up API's key and all. I did not include this part of the code as I believe is not relevant to the issue.
When I execute my script, I face this error :
KeyError: "Could not recognize the intended type of the `dict`. A `Content` should have a 'parts' key. A `Part` should have a 'inline_data' or a 'text' key. A `Blob` should have 'mime_type' and 'data' keys. Got keys: ['role', 'content']"
I had this previous code which uses openAI's API and OpenAI Embedding model, and it works :
for chunk in st.session_state.chat.send_message(prompt):
text = chunk.choices[0].get("delta", {}).get("content")
if text is not None:
result = "".join(response).strip()
Gemini's corresponding code is this : ( present in the previous code snippet )
response = model.generate_content(prompt)
How can I solve this ? I don't understand the error, I am pretty sure there is something I am missing in the code. If someone encountered this, or has an idea about why this is occurring, I'd appreciate.
Thank you in advance.
Here's a basic test script to get you goin. Hope this helps :)