For-Comprehension Example with \/ and IO

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Given the following Foo case class:

scala> case class Foo(x: Int)
defined class Foo

I check if it's a valid Foo before constructing it inside of validateFoo:

scala> def validateFoo(foo: Foo): \/[String, Foo] = 
              (if(foo.x > 0) foo.success[String] 
              else ("invalid foo").failure[Foo]).disjunction
validateFoo: (foo: Foo)scalaz.\/[String,Foo]

Lastly, f creates a Foo, and then tries to perform an IO action (example: save Foo to database).

scala> def f(x: Foo): IO[\/[String,Int]] = for {
     |    foo <- validateFoo(x)
     |    ioFoo <- IO { foo }
     | } yield ioFoo
<console>:19: error: type mismatch;
 found   : scalaz.effect.IO[Foo]
 required: scalaz.\/[?,?]
          ioFoo <- IO { foo }
<console>:18: error: type mismatch;
 found   : scalaz.\/[String,Nothing]
 required: scalaz.effect.IO[scalaz.\/[String,Int]]
          foo <- validateFoo(x)

However, I ran into the above issue when trying to chain the bind's together in the for-comprehension.

The problem, as I see it, is that the proper return type is IO[\/[String, Int]]. However, I don't know how to validate Foo and handle it in the IO monad with a for-comprehension.


There are 2 answers

Travis Brown On BEST ANSWER

You can't combine String \/ A and IO[A] computations like this—if you desugared your for-comprehension you'd see that the types just don't work out.

If you really wanted to, you could use a monad transformer to compose the two monads. Suppose we have the following setup, for example (which is essentially your code, but cleaned up a bit, and with a new method representing the database operation):

import scalaz._, Scalaz._, effect._

case class Foo(x: Int)

def validateFoo(foo: Foo): String \/ Foo =
  (foo.x > 0) either foo or "invalid foo"

def processFoo(foo: Foo): IO[Foo] = IO {

Now we can write the following:

type IOStringOr[A] = EitherT[IO, String, A]

def f(x: Foo): IOStringOr[Foo] = for {
  foo <- EitherT(validateFoo(x).point[IO])
  ioFoo <- processFoo(foo).liftIO[IOStringOr]
} yield ioFoo

Now you can run the EitherT to get an IO action:

val ioAction: IO[String \/ Foo] = f(Foo(10)).run

That's how you could use \/ and IO together in a for-comprehension. It's pretty definitely overkill in your case, though. I'd probably write something like this:

def f(x: Foo): IO[String \/ Foo] =
  validateFoo(x).bitraverse(_.point[IO], processFoo)

This uses the Bitraverse instance for \/ to map a function into IO over both sides of the disjunction and then turn the whole thing inside out.

rgcase On

It looks like you have an error in your definition of validateFoo. I think you want

scala> def validateFoo(foo: Foo): \/[String, Foo] = 
          (if(foo.x > 0) foo.success[Foo] 
          else ("invalid foo").failure[String]).disjunction

You've mixed up the String and Foo in the success and failure cases.