I have an exercise for university where I have to write an extended DFS algorithm. Based on the DFS, I have to specify a procedure that traverses an undirected, continuous graph, classifying each node according to whether it is part of a cycle or a dead end and print the nodes which are in the cycle or in the dead end. This procedure must be applied to the graphs shown with start node S. The drawn graph
I have the following adjacency list:
'S' : ['A']
'A' : ['B','F']
'B' : ['C','H']
'C' : ['D','B']
'D' : ['C','E','G']
'E' : ['D','F']
'F' : ['A','E']
'G' : ['D']
'H' : ['B','I']
'I' : ['H']
I have mapped each node to the following numbers:
0: S
1: A
2: B
3: C
4: D
5: E
6: F
7: G
8: H
9: I
Here is the code I have written so far for detecting a cycle in a graph (edited):
# Python Program to detect cycle in an undirected graph
from collections import defaultdict
visitedList = list()
nodes = set()
s = ''
# This class represents a undirected graph using adjacency list representation
class Graph:
def __init__(self, vertexCount):
self.V = vertexCount # No. of vertices
self.graph = defaultdict(list) # default dictionary to store graph
# function to add an edge to graph
def addEdge(self, v, w):
self.graph[v].append(w) # Add w to v_s list
self.graph[w].append(v) # Add v to w_s list
# print(self.graph)
# A recursive function that uses visited[] and parent to detect
# cycle in subgraph reachable from vertex v.
def isCyclicUtil(self, v, visited, parent, cycle=list()):
global s
visited[v] = True
# Recur for all the vertices adjacent to this vertex
for i in self.graph[v]:
# If the node is not visited then recurse on it
if not visited[i]:
if self.isCyclicUtil(i, visited, v, cycle):
# If an adjacent vertex is visited and not parent of current vertex,
# then there is a cycle
elif parent != i:
s = 'Nodes in a cycle: '
s += ' '.join(str(v) for v in cycle)
s += '\nNodes in a dead end: '
s += ' '.join(str(v) for v in Diff(nodes, cycle))
return True
return cycle
# Returns true if the graph contains a cycle, else false.
def isCyclic(self):
# Mark all the vertices as not visited
visited = [False] * (self.V)
cycle = list()
# Call the recursive helper function to detect cycle in different
# DFS trees
for i in range(self.V):
if not visited[i]: # Don't recur for u if it is already visited
if self.isCyclicUtil(i, visited, -1, cycle):
return True
return False
def Diff(li1, li2):
return list(list(set(li1) - set(li2)) + list(set(li2) - set(li1)))
# Driver code
# Create a graph with given adjacency list
S = 0
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9
g = Graph(10)
g.addEdge(S, A)
g.addEdge(A, B)
g.addEdge(B, C)
g.addEdge(B, H)
g.addEdge(C, D)
g.addEdge(D, E)
g.addEdge(D, G)
g.addEdge(E, F)
g.addEdge(F, A)
g.addEdge(H, I)
if g.isCyclic():
print("Graph contains cycle")
print("Graph does not contain cycle")
g = Graph(6)
g.addEdge(0, 1)
g.addEdge(1, 3)
g.addEdge(1, 2)
g.addEdge(1, 4)
g.addEdge(4, 5)
if g.isCyclic():
print("Graph contains cycle")
print("Graph does not contain cycle")
What is still missing here is to print the nodes that are in the cycle or in the dead end.