Fill raster holes in R or Grass GIS

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Sample data

x <- raster(x=matrix(data=1:36, nrow=6), xmn=-1000, xmx=1000, ymn=-100, ymx=900)
x[c(8, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31)] <- NA

enter image description here

The problem

How do I distinguish (algorithmically) the holes in the raster i.e., the area bounded by cells c(15:17, 22) from the other gaps that are not holes (i.e., the rest of the empty cells)?

This would make it possible to do operations only on the hole / island regions of the raster, fill holes with a custom value etc etc.

The actual rasters have around 30000 holes and therefore speed is important. I am interested in both R and Grass GIS solutions. Many thanks for your help, much appreciated !


There are 3 answers


What about polygonizing? For speed I don't know what it will worth, but you could:


hole <- rasterToPolygons(x, fun=NULL, n=4, na.rm=TRUE, digits=12, dissolve=T)

Now you have to make your singlepart polygons to multipart:

hole2 <- SpatialPolygons(lapply(hole@polygons[[1]]@Polygons, function(xx) Polygons(list(xx),ID=round(runif(1,1,100000000)))))

plot(hole2, add=T)

Now you find the "real" holes, which are the ones not touching the border

around <- as(extent(x), "SpatialLines")
touch_border <- gIntersects(around, hole2, byid=T) 
extract(x, hole2[!touch_border,],cellnumbers=T)

That gives you the cells number by hole. It found the cell "8" which you're not saying it's a hole so I'm not sure if it's correct, but it must be very close!

If it's slow in R, do the same algorithm in GRASS (mostly the rasterToPolygons call)

maRtin On

Here a solution without polygonization: (it's not elegant, but it works). However you have to reclassify your holes/island into values (i.e. 999) and all other non island to NA. Like this:

x <- raster(x=matrix(rep(NA,36), nrow=6), xmn=-1000, xmx=1000, ymn=-100, ymx=900)
x[c(8, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31)] <- 999


Inital dummy raster

Now I use the clump() function to check if there are island and the cool thing about that function is, that it also returns IDs of these island:

#Get Islands with IDs
cl <- clump(x,directions=8)

clumps/island with IDs

I then create a dataframe out of the frequencies of the islands (this is just to get the ID of each island)

freqCl <-

#remove the (row) which corresponds to the NA values (this is important for the last step)
freqCl <- freqCl[-which($value)),]

Check if any island touches a border:

#Check if the island touches any border and therefore isn't a "real island" (first and last column or row)

noIslandID <- c()
#First row
if(any(rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[1,])){
  eliminate   <- rownames(freqCl)[rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[1,]]
  noIslandID  <- append(noIslandID, eliminate)
#Last row
if(any(rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[nrow(cl),])){
  eliminate  <- rownames(freqCl)[rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[nrow(cl),]]
  noIslandID <- append(noIslandID, eliminate)
#First col
if(any(rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[,1])){
  eliminate   <- rownames(freqCl)[rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[,1]]
  noIslandID  <- append(noIslandID, eliminate)
#Last col
if(any(rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[,ncol(cl)])){
  eliminate   <- rownames(freqCl)[rownames(freqCl) %in% cl[,ncol(cl)]]
  noIslandID  <- append(noIslandID, eliminate)

Eliminate those island which touch a border:

noIslandID <- unique(noIslandID)
IslandID   <- setdiff(rownames(freqCl), noIslandID)

In a last step, assign a 1 to every "real island" from the inital raster:

for(i in 1:length(IslandID)) {
  x[cl[]==as.numeric(IslandID[i])] <- 1


enter image description here

Richard On

In this case, a cell is in a hole if it is bounded by at least one non-missing value in each of the four cardinal directions. You can test this using the code below, which also replaces the missing values with 99.

x2 <- x                        ## Create a copy of the raster
notNA <- !  ## Matrix identifying cells that are not NA

nr <- nrow(x) ## Number of rows
nc <- ncol(x) ## Number of columns

for(i in 2:(nr-1)) {       ## Loop over rows, ignoring first and last
    for(j in 2:(nc-1)) {   ## Loop over columns, ignoring first and last
        if(notNA[i,j]) ## Skip cell if not NA
        ## For NA cells, determine if non-NA cell exists in each cardinal direction
        any.north <- any(notNA[1:(i-1),j])
        any.south <- any(notNA[(i+1):nr,j])
        any.west <- any(notNA[i,1:(j-1)])
        any.east <- any(notNA[i,(j+1):nc])
        if(any.north & any.south & any.west & any.east)
            x2[i,j] <- 99 ## If cell is in hole, repalce with new value

Here's the new raster:

New raster with holes filled by the value 99