FFMPEG multiple screenshots command

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iam trying to code a function which creates images from video files using ffmpeg.

But now i want to know how can i make that with ffmpeg commands exactly, because i use wrapper and now i have some limitations, so i must go in the native way.

So, first of all i have decided to use a Wrapper which is called node-fluent-ffmpeg.

And this is my work-around with the Wrapper:

        source: `The video file...`,
        .on("filenames", async (filenames) => {
        .on("error", function (err) {
          console.log("Error in filenames section: " + JSON.stringify(err));
        .on("end", function () {
          console.log("Screenshots taken");
          count: 60,
          folder: "tmp/",
          filename: "thumbnail-at-%i.png",
          size: "1600x900",
        .on("end", function (stdout, stderr) {
            let newImg = await fs.createReadStream(`/tmp/${img}`);
            destparams = await {
              Bucket: dstBucket,
              Key: "uploaded-" + img,
              Body: newImg,
              ContentType: "image",
           await s3.putObject(destparams).promise();


Notes for understanding me better:

  • I still want to make it in node.js

  • Let's assume the file is: "The video file..."

  • I am taking 60 screenshots from the video in a random way, like it does not matter the length of the video it will just take 60 screenshots from start until the end of the video.

  • Every screenshot taken will have a prefixed and ordered number and name for every frame. For example: thumbnail-at-1.png, thumbnail-at-2.png, thumbnail-at-3.png and it continues until it reaches the 60 screenshot limit.

  • Every screenshot will be saved with a 1600x900 resolution.

  • Every screenshot will be saved in the TMP folder.

  • Do not mind reading this: After all I'll upload every screenshot to a s3 bucket.

  • I had search trough a lot of old forums, but it seems that ffmpeg has a poor documentation (I have been stuck, so hard to understand).

So my main goal is:

How i can make exactly that function that i have shown in the code sample and the quick notes, with the FFMPEG commands? (Not with the wrapper)

(Sorry that i'm trying to make it simpler)

I mean, Which commands i must use, with the FFMPEG commands in the following code sample?

By the way: it is node.js,

Do not really know what to do, sorry

      { stdio: "inherit" }

Thanks for your patience!


  • Node.js 12.x
  • FFMPEG (4.3.1)

There are 1 answers

Lawrence Cherone On BEST ANSWER

The main problem would be getting the duration of the video, so as long as you have ffprobe you should be able to do this:

Get duration then divide by 60, convert the number to a timestamp.

ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams "<FILENAME>"

Then parse the JSON for format.duration, then divide it by the number of screens you want.

Then loop over 60 times to get a single frame at a specific timestamp by doing dateformat('H:i:s', i * (format.duration / 60)) (pseudo):

ffmpeg -ss 00:00:00 -i "infile.mp4" -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -f mjpeg "thumbnail-at-0.png"
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:10 -i "infile.mp4" -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -f mjpeg "thumbnail-at-1.png"
ffmpeg -ss 00:00:20 -i "infile.mp4" -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -f mjpeg "thumbnail-at-2.png"
ffmpeg -ss 00:09:30 -i "infile.mp4" -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -f mjpeg "thumbnail-at-57.png"
ffmpeg -ss 00:09:40 -i "infile.mp4" -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -f mjpeg "thumbnail-at-58.png"
ffmpeg -ss 00:09:50 -i "infile.mp4" -t 00:00:01 -r 1 -f mjpeg "thumbnail-at-59.png"