Facebook Server-Sent Events for Live Comments

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I'm experimenting with Facebook Server-Sent Events for Live Comments (SSE) and I try to retrieve in real time every comments made on a live video stream displayed on a Facebook page.

The documentation states that "comments are prioritized based on quality so if the comment rate exceeds the requested rate then you will receive the higher quality comments.", but even if i'm below the rate (set at ten_per_second) some comments are filtered. The purpose of my experiment is to retrieve a pattern (an emoji) from the comments, it's not admissible for me to miss some of them.

The other approche I took is to use the Live Video Comments endpoint but I can't get the user name who posts the comment I only get data like

  "created_time": "2018-11-14T12:39:01+0000",
  "message": "test message",
  "id": "2292500244366991_2292502427700106"

with a call to <video-id>/comments?live_filter=no_filter&order=reverse_chronological&filter=stream

Even with Page access_token I don't get these names and ids...

Does anyone succeed in retrieving every comments with poster name from a live video?



I had trouble with my page so I recreated one and now I manage to get the Live Video Comments endpoint to work as expected. But still no luck Facebook Server-Sent Events for Live Comments!!!

I guess I have to stick with polling, deal with Facebook Graph API rate limits and forget streaming...


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