Espresso check view either doesNotExist or not isDisplayed

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The following statement does not work because doesNotExist() returns a ViewAssertion instead of a matcher. Any way to make it work without a try-catch?


There are 4 answers

Sivakumar Kamichetty On

If you want to check if a view doesn't not exist in the hierarchy, please use below assertion.


If you want to check if a view exist in the hierarchy but not displayed to the user, please use below assertion.


Hope this helps.

Jacek Marchwicki On

not(isDisplayed) is not perfect because i.e. the view might be displayed but below the screen in a ScrollView.

Simple checking view.getVisibility() != View.GONE also is not a 100% solution. If view parent is hidden, the view is effectively hidden so the test should pass the scenario.

I suggest checking if view and its parents are visible:

fun isNotPresented(): ViewAssertion = object : ViewAssertion {
    override fun check(view: View?, noViewFoundException: NoMatchingViewException?) {
        if (view != null) {
            if (view.visibility != View.VISIBLE) {
            var searchView: View = view
            while (searchView.parent != null && searchView.parent is View) {
                searchView = searchView.parent as View
                if (searchView.visibility != View.VISIBLE) {
                "View is present in the hierarchy and it is visible" + HumanReadables.describe(view),
user2143491 On

I had the same issue, one of my views will not have a certain view initially but could add it and hide it later. Which state the UI was in depended on wether background activities were destroyed.

I ended up just writing a variation on the implementation of doesNotExist:

public class ViewAssertions {
    public static ViewAssertion doesNotExistOrGone() {
        return new ViewAssertion() {
            public void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noView) {
                if (view != null && view.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
                    assertThat("View is present in the hierarchy and not GONE: "
                               + HumanReadables.describe(view), true, is(false));
Scott Merritt On

I encountered a similar situation. I believe this works and will check to ensure that a displayed view does not exist. It needs to either be not displayed or not in the view hierarchy:

onView(allOf(withId(, isDisplayed())).check(doesNotExist())