I've a model called City in datamapper for codeigniter. I've kept the name of the table as "cities" because datamapper expects the name of the table in pluralized form. Now when I create the object for the model in controller ( $c = new City(); ); I get following error : Call to a member function where() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\project\application\controllers\userhome.php on line 61 .
This is the model I've used
class City extends DataMapper {
//var $table = "cities";
function __construct()
As you can see in the model that i've tried to assign the table name to the variable which for now I've commented. I got the error with that also.
These are the codes I am using in my controller.
$c = new City();
$details3 = $c -> where('city_id', $ct) -> get();
foreach($details3 as $d3)
$data['city_native_from_city_table'] = $d3 -> city_name;
echo $data['city_native_from_city_table']; echo "<br>";
Please help me out. Thanks in advance...
you can remove comment in code see below:
and try again..!