Error message I do not understand R renjin

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I asked for a solution before, but apparently could not be helped as renjin is rather experimental still...but maybe someone could please translate the error message I get into plain English?

Maybe I can then determine if I can reasonable hope to solve this problem in a reasonable time or if I should rather abandon renjin.

Here is the message:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" org.renjin.eval.EvalException: object 'C_hclust'    not found

Here is the code:

private void cluster()  {
    try {
        this.engine.eval("dis<-dist(myMatrix, \"binary\")");
    } catch (ScriptException ex) {System.out.println(1);
        Logger.getLogger(RWorker.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    try {
    } catch (ScriptException ex) {System.out.println(3);
        Logger.getLogger(RWorker.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    try {
    } catch (ScriptException ex) {System.out.println(4);
        Logger.getLogger(RWorker.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

I did not get any of the prints, however.


There are 2 answers

newnewbie On BEST ANSWER

I wrote a letter to their mailing list - turns out it is really a bug on their part which will hopefully be fixed soon.

akbertram On

C_hclust is a function from the stats package written in C but not yet included in Renjin. We are slowly integrating the C/Fortran code from the GNU R stats package as we test and expand our C/Fortran translator.

We're always looking for contributors so this might be a good mini project if you want to get involved - you can take a stab at copying the relevant sources int packages/stats/src/main/c and see if it compiles with out error.

Otherwise completing the functionality of the stats package is a priority and you can look for it in the near future!