Error: Cannot allocate an object

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I was trying to make an arc but getting the following error:

error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type 'arc'
                 arcItem = new arc(++id, startP, midP, endP);

Can you please help me out to solve the error. My code is as follows. I am getting error in cadgraphicsscene.cpp class at mousepress event.


void CadGraphicsScene::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
        // mousePressEvent in the graphicsScene
        if(mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
            switch (entityMode)

            case ArcMode:
                if (mFirstClick)
                    startP = mouseEvent->scenePos();
                    mFirstClick = false;
                    mSecondClick = true;

                else if (!mFirstClick && mSecondClick)
                    midP = mouseEvent->scenePos();
                    mFirstClick = false;
                    mSecondClick = false;
                    mThirdClick = true;

                else if (!mSecondClick && mThirdClick)
                    endP = mouseEvent->scenePos();
                    mThirdClick = false;
                    mPaintFlag = true;

                if (mPaintFlag)
                    arcItem = new arc(++id, startP, midP, endP);
                    mUndoStack->push(new CadCommandAdd(this, arcItem));


include <QGraphicsItem>

#include "qmath.h"
class arc : public QObject, public QGraphicsItem
    arc(int, QPointF, QPointF, QPointF);
    arc(int, QLineF, QLineF);

    virtual void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                       QWidget *widget);
    enum { Type = UserType + 6 };
    int type() const;
    int id;

    QPointF startP, midP, endP, p1, p2, p3,center;
    QLineF lineBC;
    QLineF lineAC;
    QLineF lineBA;
    QLineF lineOA;
    QLineF lineOC;
    QLineF bisectorBC;
    QLineF bisectorBA;
    QGraphicsEllipseItem *ellipse;
    qreal rad;

    QVector<QPointF> stuff;


There are 1 answers

Ali Kazmi On

Its Obvious we cant instantiate Abstract class as in error message. Check out the definition of arc, it must have pure virtual function, derieve a class (with desired members) from it and make object of that class.