Problem: I have a program that involves moving a bar (like in brick break) from side to side. The issue is that it moves at a different speed when running inside Eclipse than it does exported to the desktop.
When reading this it makes me think that I might not be creating my delta value correctly which could explain why it runs at different speeds. my computer is carrying out java programs which i have created to fast [closed]
After reading this post I found that maybe the Eclipse compiler is just faster which can cause the difference in speeds. Application runs faster in eclipse
// run() is being ran with a while(true) game loop
public void run(Input input)
// Ran at 60 FPS
// Ran as fast as possible
private void render()
start = System.nanoTime();
if(render.getGraphics() != null)
Graphics g = render.getBS().getDrawGraphics();
g.drawImage(new BufferedImage(Reference.WIDTH*Reference.SCALE, Reference.HEIGHT*Reference.SCALE,
BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB), 0,0, AppGameContainer.canvas);
activeState.render(render.getGraphics(), AppGameContainer.canvas);
end = System.nanoTime();
// Time in ms
delta = (end-start)/1000000.0;
I have a video if interested for a visual representation of the problem: Video of issue