Dunn test in R giving "x must contain a numeric vector of data values, or a list of numeric data vectors" error

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I'm working with circular data in R for the first time and I'm running into an issue with doing a Dunn's test. I ran a Kruskal-Wallis on the same variables and it worked fine. I checked to make sure the bedtime_WD variable was numeric using the class() function and it came back as "circular" "numeric". Is there a reason I can't do the Dunn's test on this data?

The bedtime_WD variable is reported as 1.15, 0.67, 3.43, etc. Gender is reported as "F" or "M".

Error in dunn.test(bedtime_WD, gender) : 
  x must contain a numeric vector of data values, or a list of numeric data vectors.

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