I need a link to get number all matches in dota 2 and number winned matches.
I use http://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetRecentlyPlayedGames/v0001/?key=[YOURAPIKEY]&steamid=[STEAMID]&format=json but result is:
"response": {
"total_count": 1,
"games": [
"appid": 570,
"name": "Dota 2",
"playtime_2weeks": 2273,
"playtime_forever": 197614,
"img_icon_url": "0bbb630d63262dd66d2fdd0f7d37e8661a410075",
"img_logo_url": "d4f836839254be08d8e9dd333ecc9a01782c26d2"
number all matches not detected :(
This is not the correct API to use for this kind off query. A very quick Google search indicates that something like this is what you're looking for.