Don't write comma after last element in for loop

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I have function that gets data from a database and displays it in the view:

function GetUsers() {
  let url = "/Home/GetUsers";
    type: 'GET',
    url: url,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {
      for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
        $('#taskresult3').append('<b>' + data[i].UserName + "-" + data[i].RoleName + "," + '</b>');

It displays it with comma, but after the last Username+RoleName it adds a comma too. As I understood I need to get last iteration of for loop? How I can fix this problem?


There are 5 answers

Jordi Castilla On BEST ANSWER

I usually make a little trick for this cases:

var separator = "";
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
  $('#taskresult3').append(separator + '<b>' + data[i].UserName + "-" + data[i].RoleName + '</b>');
  separator = ",";
void On

Dont add comma for the last element.

for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
  if (i === data.length - 1)
    $('#taskresult3').append('<b>' + data[i].UserName + "-" + data[i].RoleName '</b>');
    $('#taskresult3').append('<b>' + data[i].UserName + "-" + data[i].RoleName + "," + '</b>');

There is one more approach using .join() on arrays

var _html = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {

    var _inhtml = '<b>' + data[i].UserName + "-" + data[i].RoleName+'</b>';


With this you can cut down the overhead of manipulating DOM multiple times.

Michał Perłakowski On

Simply check if the current element is the last element and if so, don't add the comma:

$('#taskresult3').append('<b>'+ data[i].UserName +"-"+ data[i].RoleName + (i === data.length - 1 ? "" : ",")+'</b>');
Rory McCrossan On

You can avoid the comma and improve your logic by building the HTML in an array, then using join() to display it, like this:

success: function(data) {
  var html = {
    return data[i].UserName + ' - ' + data[i].RoleName;

Also, keep in mind the semantic use of the <b> tag:

However, you should not use <b> for styling text; instead, you should use the CSS font-weight property to create boldface text.

I'd suggest placing the HTML you append within a container that has font-weight: bold applied to it through CSS.

t.niese On

You could use map and join to solve this, instead of using a loop.

$('#taskresult3').append('<b>' + => item.UserName + "-" + item.RoleName).join(',</b><b>') + '</b>')

map would convert the array, to an array of item.UserName + "-" + item.RoleName, this array then would be joined together using ,</b><b> and the last part that is then missing is the first <b> and the last </b>