Does NX dynamic module federation support SSR

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Does NX dynamic module federation support SSR? If so can you please share any documentation available!!

Reference link or a code snippet to understand the development/deployment.

Somewhere in github forum I read, NX doesnt support dynamic module federation for SSR served MFEs.

Similar problem reference


There are 1 answers

John Martin On

The answer is yes!

Let's try to create test project follow steps below:

npx create-nx-workspace --name=test--preset=apps --nxCloud=skip && cd test
npx nx add @nx/angular 
npx nx g @nx/angular:host apps/host --dynamic --ssr --standalone --style=scss --addTailwind --e2eTestRunner=playwright --projectNameAndRootFormat=as-provided --prefix=host
npx nx g @nx/angular:remote apps/remote-a --host=host --ssr --standalone --style=scss --addTailwind --e2eTestRunner=playwright --projectNameAndRootFormat=as-provided --prefix=remote-a
npx nx g @nx/angular:remote apps/remote-b --host=host --ssr --standalone --style=scss --addTailwind --e2eTestRunner=playwright --projectNameAndRootFormat=as-provided --prefix=remote-b
npx nx serve host --devRemotes=remote-a,remote-b

But there is a note here that the serve command will not work properly without devRemotes config