Do not change a loop variable inside a for-loop block

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I want to implement the rule coding in my parser generated by javaCC : Do not change a loop variable inside a for-loop block.

the Rule Production javacc of for-loop block is :

void MyMethod () : {}
"(" Argument () ")" {}
(Statement ()) *


void Statement () : {}

void expressionFOR() :{}
<For> <id> "= " 1  <to> 100
int J
int kk =SUM( , J)


thank you very much in advance


There are 1 answers

Theodore Norvell On

Assuming you are using JJTree with MULTI=false and VISITOR=true, you could write a visitor along this line

public void visit(SimpleNode node, Object data) {
    if( this is a for loop node ) {
        push the for loop variable onto a stack of variables
        node.childrenAccept(this, null) ;
        pop the stack }
    else {
        if( this is an assignment statement node
            and the target variable is on the stack )
            report rule violated
        node.childrenAccept(this, null) ;