I use featherlight.js for lightbox. When it is opened and I click on it's background it cloeses popup. I need to disable this functionality. I noticed that this js has closeTrigger option in it but don't know how to use it.
disable closing popup when clicking on background
2.9k views Asked by aiddev At
There are 4 answers

I would suggest not to write javascript snippet separately as you already using "data" attributes to initialise the lightbox.
As per documentation provided, you can set data-featherlight-close-on-click="false" in markup itself to achieve the same.
Fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/ylokesh/c5pq5bs1/2/
<a class="btn btn-default" href="#" data-featherlight-close-on-click="false" data-featherlight="#fl1">Default</a>
<div class="lightbox" id="fl1">
<h2>Featherlight Default</h2>
This is a default featherlight lightbox.<br>
It's flexible in height and width.<br>
Everything that is used to display and style the box can be found in the
<a href="https://github.com/noelboss/featherlight/blob/master/src/featherlight.css">featherlight.css</a> file which is pretty simple.
With this option, you will save writing separate script block just to enable this feature.
There is a default option in it:
Select "FALSE" value this will disable the closing of popup on clicking on background.