Different translation result compare to bing translate

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I am finding some differences between the Text Translation API behavior versus online translation on the bing translation online webpage

The english text I am translating (to Spanish) is :

"*Add the shallot, tomatoes, peppers and red pepper flakes and cook, stirring often, until slightly softened and aromatic, about 4 minutes*"

When I use the Microsoft Text Translation python API, following URL is invoked…

http://api.microsofttranslator.com/v2/Http.svc/Translate?text=“Add the shallot, tomatoes, peppers and red pepper flakes and cook, stirring often, until slightly softened and aromatic, about 4 minutes”&to=es

The translated result is —> “Añadir los copos de cebolleta, tomate, pimiento y pimiento rojo y cocine, revolviendo frecuentemente, hasta que se ablanden un poco y aromático, unos 4 minutos”

However, with bing translation on the webpage

I get following translated results:

Añada la chalota, los tomates, los pimientos y las hojuelas de pimiento rojo y cocine, revolviendo a menudo, hasta que se suavicen ligeramente y aromáticos, unos 4 minutos

Their are quite of few differences that looks very odd. For example, shallot is getting translated as “los copos de cebolleta” via API versus as “chalota” on bing. "tomates" versus "tomate" etc.

Can you see what I may be doing wrong ? or something wrong with the API engine ?


There are 1 answers

Eric Green On

The difference is that the Text Translation API is using the Statistical Machine Translation algorithm and the Bing Translation is using the Neural Machine Translation algorithm. They have not yet switched over the Text Translation API to use the Neural algorithm.

You can test out the differences between them here: https://translator.microsoft.com/neural/
