I am using Delphi 7, BDE, and Interbase (testing), Oracle (Production).
I have two tables (Master, Responses)
I need to step through the Responses table, use its Master_Id field to look it up in Master table (id) for matching record and update a date field in the Master table with a date field in the Responses table
Can this be done in SQL, or do i actually have to create two TTables or TQueries and step through each record?
Open two tables (Table1, Table2)
with Table1 do
while not EOF do
//get master_id field
//locate in id field in table 2
//edit record in table 2
One slight modification to Chris' query, throw in a where clause to select only the records that need the update. Otherwise it will set the rest of the dates to NULL
Updated to use aliases to avoid confusion which col comes from which table. This is not ready made, copy-past'able query as UPDATE syntax differs from database to database. You may need to consult your database sql reference for JOIN in UPDATE statement syntax.
When there are multiple responses to same master entry
I used MAX() you can use whatever suits your business. Again invest some time understanding SQL. Its hardly a few days effort. Get PLSQL Complete reference if you are into Oracle