Determine whether the user selected Refresh in WebBrowser Control

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How can I detect if the user selected Refresh via the context menu? The NavigateComplete2 method does not get invoked when the user selects it.

More importantly, to set own custom user agent, one way to do it is to hook the BeforeNavigate2 event method and it is necessary to know if the user has selected Refresh or navigating a new url.

Any insight would be appreciated.

This demonstrates the NavigateComplete2 method does not get fired when Refresh is selected.

oWB := new WebBrowserControl("")
Class WebBrowserControl

    __New(strURL) { 
        static WB
        Gui, New, Resize 
        Gui, Add, ActiveX, vWB w780 h580, Shell.Explorer  
        Gui, show, w800 h600

        ComObjConnect(WB, this) 

           Sleep 10
        Until (WB.readyState=4 && WB.document.readyState="complete" && !WB.busy)    

    NavigateComplete2(oParams*) {
        WB := oParams[1]
        msgbox, 64, Navigate Completed
            , % "WB.locationURL :`t`t" WB.locationURL "`n"
            . "WB.Document.URL:`t`t" WB.Document.URL "`n"
            . "windowlocation.href:`t" WB.document.parentWindow.location.href

    BeforeNavigate2(oParams*) {

        WB := oParams[8]
        strURL := oParams[2]        

        msgbox % "Loading URL:`t`t" strURL "`n"
            . "WB.locationURL :`t`t" WB.locationURL "`n"
            . "WB.Document.URL:`t`t" WB.Document.URL "`n"
            . "location.href:`t`t" WB.document.parentWindow.location.href "`n"
            . "WB.ReadyState:`t`t" WB.readystate "`n"
            . "WB.document.readystate:`t" WB.document.readystate "`n"
            . "WB.Busy:`t`t`t" WB.Busy "`n"

There are 1 answers

Robert Ilbrink On

One way to see if a refresh (or new page) has been initiated is to monitor the mouse state (in Chrome, not sure about other browsers) with: if/while (A_Cursor = "AppStarting"). This is true when the mouse cursor has turned into an hourglass.

Comparing the previous and the new URL would tell you if this is a new request or a refresh: ControlGetText CurrentURL, Chrome_OmniboxView1, Chrome

Hope this helps.