Desktop Safari to iOS native app Handoff opens iOS Safari

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I try to implement Web-to-Native handoff for my iOS app. I uploaded my apple-app-site-association file and it seems OK:

    "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [
                "appID": "",
                "paths": [ "/*" ]
    "webcredentials": {
       "apps": [ "" ]
    "activitycontinuation": {
        "apps": [ "" ]

Universal links and web credentials both work just fine, but Handoff doesn't. When I open my URL in Safari on macOS, my iOS device shows handoff for Safari, not for my app. I double-checked my code, I do have all entries in entitlements, like

I also tried


I implemented -application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler: method, and even added these lines in my plist:


But iOS still shows Safari in handoff, not my app.

This is what I found in device console log:

Dec  8 19:30:04 iPad-Valentine-2 swcd(CoreUtils)[255] <Notice>: Trying add of app ID '' for get info
Dec  8 19:30:04 iPad-Valentine-2 swcd(CoreUtils)[255] <Notice>: ### Add service '<<NULL>>', app ID '', domain '<<NULL>>' failed: -6727/0xFFFFE5B9 kNotFoundErr

But I can't find out what does that mean.


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