I am following the Amazon cognito user signin guide here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile-hub/latest/developerguide/add-aws-mobile-user-sign-in-email-and-password.html#email-and-password-config-overview
It all works perfectly, but the default activity they launch is ugly and surprisingly hard to use. The code they use to launch this activity is
AuthUIConfiguration config =
new AuthUIConfiguration.Builder().userPools(true).build();
Context context = SplashActivity.this;
SignInActivity.startSignInActivity(context, config);
I would like to build my own sign in flow. Is that even possible? Is there a tutorial out there on how to do this?
I am cant their flow, because when I follow the link to SignInActivity, I get ...\.grade\caches\ modules-2\files-2.1\com.amazonaws\aws-android-sdk-auth-ui\2.6.0\991ae12d55d8733e2ebb4b3e4c30a6cc2ee42d3a\aws-android-sdk-auth-ui-2.6.0-sources.jar!\com\amazonaws\mo
and the file is locked for editing.
The SignInActivity is just another activity. You can find the source code here. There is no reason you can't take a copy of this activity, then replace the UI with your own UI. This is probably the easiest mechanism to adjust the UI to your liking.