I am hoping you could help me with this.
I am trying to learn about Depth First search algorithm in Prolog and I have come across the following code
go(Start, Goal) :-
stack(Start, Empty_been_list, Been_list),
path(Start, Goal, Been_list).
% path implements a depth first search in PROLOG
% Current state = goal, print out been list
path(Goal, Goal, Been_list) :-
path(State, Goal, Been_list) :-
mov(State, Next),
% not(unsafe(Next)),
not(member_stack(Next, Been_list)),
stack(Next, Been_list, New_been_list),
path(Next, Goal, New_been_list), !.
reverse_print_stack(S) :-
reverse_print_stack(S) :-
stack(E, Rest, S),
write(E), nl.
I kind of understand what is going on, but I cant for the life of me find or invent some facts that I can use with it.
Please help. Even if its a really simple set of facts, I just need somewhere to start
Thank you in advance
You just need to make facts that describe the valid moves in a graph.
So for instance, if you have nodes A, B, C, and D, every edge on the graph would have a mov() fact. If A had edges to B and C, and B had an edge to D, your facts would be
Basically, draw a graph and write a fact like the above for every path from a node to another node.