I have created a sales order item grid in the admin panel in magento. The grid displays the Display Date correctly. However when I try to sort based on the delivery date it does not work. I include the delivery date as follows:
$this->addColumn('proptions', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('Sales')->__('Delivery Date'),
'index' => 'proptions',
'renderer' => new Bakery_Core_Block_Adminhtml_Renderer_Data(),
'type' => 'datetime',
In Renderer_Data I do the following:
$val = substr($_option['value'],0,10); //returns format dd/MM/yyyy
$val = str_replace("/","-",$val); //returns dd-MM-yyyy
$dateTimestamp = Mage::getModel('core/date')->timestamp(strtotime($val));
$format_val = date('d M Y', $dateTimestamp); // returns e.g. 13 Aug 2013
I have set the type in the grid for this column as datetime. However it still doesn't sort the date in the correct order. How can I fix this issue?
Thanks, Neet
I checked the Grid in the Promo and it seems to use 'date' for 'type'