This took me a while to figure as a D3D12 newbie and I did not find anything searching the web. Shaders compiled fine, all resources acquired but the output kept being black. After setting debug level to max and enabled GPU validation I got the error message, followed by some kind of assembler trace and operand dump.
D3D12 ERROR: GPU-BASED VALIDATION: Draw, Uninitialized root argument accessed. Shader Stage: PIXEL, Root Parameter Index: [1]
744 views Asked by JKrahmann At
This error is raised if you have set root parameters in your RootSignature and not SetGraphicsRootDescritporTable() or SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView() or similar for each slot in your render loop. I accidentally wrote only
which was copied from D3D12HelloTexture example and turned wrong in many ways for my program.
I use a volatile constant buffer, a couple of static textures and a volatile render texture for a post processing shader. So root signature's resource part looks like this:
All my SRVs fit to same descriptor table but have different access flags. So we need 2 ranges. Note: The last parameter for the descriptor range (table) is the offset in your DescriptorHeap. You need to make sure, every descriptor gets it's own index. This corresponds to a slot of GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize in your DescriptorHeap on GPU. Make sure to use these values, when CreateShaderResourceView later:
CBV goes directly to root descriptor to save one indirection, thus it dosn't live in the DescriptorHeap so we need to set the it in render loop:
Note: first parameter corresponds to rootParameter[] slot from above.
Solved and running fine now.