I am trying to get security mode with the following code:
CWNetwork *network = [self.scanResults objectAtIndex:row];
NSLog(@"%@", network);
NSLog(@"%@", [self securityStringForNetwork:network]);
- (NSString*)securityStringForNetwork:(CWNetwork *)network;
NSString *securityString = @"Unknown";
if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityNone])
securityString = @"None";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWEP])
securityString = @"WEP";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWPAPersonal])
securityString = @"WPA Personal";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWPAPersonalMixed])
securityString = @"WPA Personal Mixed";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWPA2Personal])
securityString = @"WPA2 Personal";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityPersonal])
securityString = @"Personal";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityDynamicWEP])
securityString = @"Dynamic WEP";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWPAEnterprise])
securityString = @"WPA Enterprise";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWPAEnterpriseMixed])
securityString = @"WPA Enterprise Mixed";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityWPA2Enterprise])
securityString = @"WPA2 Enterprise";
else if ([network supportsSecurity:kCWSecurityEnterprise])
securityString = @"Enterprise";
return securityString;
The first NSLog displays:
WPA2 Personal
and the second NSLog displays:
WPA Personal Mixed
I realize that supportsSecurity method may return YES on few types of security.
How can I get the exact security mode for the network?