Ctrl+S and Ctrl+Q can be used to pause/resume output in bash shell. But in fish shell, it does not work. Are there any replacement?
Ctrl+S in fish shell does not work as in bash
404 views Asked by trulyliu At
There are 2 answers

On the upside, the same functionality can be added to your fish shell with a function and a key-binding.
See the following plugins, for example:
- https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-sudope
- https://github.com/oh-my-fish/plugin-bang-bang (implements the
This is intentional. Fish disables terminal flow control because the original developers concluded the feature causes too many problems for inexperienced CLI users especially those used to emacs where [ctrl-s] is normally bound to the incremental search function and thus might type it at a shell prompt.