CTF Reader throwing error for big files in CNTK

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I am using a CTF reader function following the CNTK tutorials on Github.

def create_reader(path, is_training, input_dim, label_dim):
    return MinibatchSource(CTFDeserializer(path, StreamDefs(
        features = StreamDef(field='x', shape=input_dim, is_sparse=True),
        labels = StreamDef(field='y', shape=label_dim, is_sparse=False)
    )), randomize=is_training, epoch_size= INFINITELY_REPEAT if is_training else FULL_DATA_SWEEP)

This works completely fine except when the input file size is bigger than a certain size (unknown). Then it throws an error like this:

WARNING: Sparse index value (269) at offset 8923303 in the input file (C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta6-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\common\data_pos_train_balanced_ctf.txt) exceeds the maximum expected value (268).
attempt: Reached the maximum number of allowed errors while reading the input file (C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta6-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\common\data_pos_train_balanced_ctf.txt)., retrying 2-th time out of 5...

RuntimeError: Reached the maximum number of allowed errors while reading the input file (C:\local\CNTK-2-0-beta6-0-Windows-64bit-CPU-Only\cntk\Examples\common\data_pos_train_balanced_ctf.txt).

I identified that this kind of error is being thrown in the file TextParser.cpp https://github.com/Microsoft/CNTK/blob/5633e79febe1dc5147149af9190ad1944742328a/Source/Readers/CNTKTextFormatReader/TextParser.cpp

What is the solution to or work-around for this?


There are 1 answers

Nikos Karampatziakis On BEST ANSWER

You need to know the dimensionality of your input and also know that indices start from 0. So if you created an input file mapping your vocabulary to the range 1 to 20000 the dimensionality is 20001.