I am using C++ Builder XE8. As the TOpenDialog
doesn't work on Android, I am trying to make such thing myself. My logic is very simple. It'll start to check file and folders from "/storage" and show all items on TListView
. If I touch a folder (name) it'll open that folder and if I touch a file, it should show the name on a label. So I assigned a function to TListView
's OnItemClick
Here is code. fpath is String, Label1 is showing current folder and Label2 is showing selected file.
void __fastcall TForm1::lviewitemclck(TObject * const Sender, TListViewItem * const AItem)
if (AItem->Text == "<< BACK") {
if (!fpath.LastDelimiter("/") == 0) {
fpath = fpath.SubString(0, fpath.LastDelimiter("/"));
Label1->Text = fpath;
else if ( DirectoryExists(fpath+ AItem->Text)) {
fpath = fpath+ AItem->Text;
Label1->Text = fpath;
else if (FileExists(fpath+ AItem->Text)) {
Label2->Text ="File: "+ fpath+ AItem->Text;
Below is the code of function to scan for files & folders and show them. stringlist is TStringList.
void __fastcall TForm1::showfiles (String path)
TSearchRec sr; // for scaning files and folders
TSearchRec fr; // to check whether the folder is accessible or not.
if (FindFirst(path+"/*", faAnyFile, sr) == 0)
stringlist->Add("<< BACK"); // being used to replace the ".."
if(sr.Name != "." && sr.Name != ".."){
if (DirectoryExists(path+"/"+sr.Name)) {
if (FindFirst(path+"/"+sr.Name+"/*", faAnyFile, fr) == 0) { // to check if the folder is accessible
stringlist->Add("/"+ sr.Name);
stringlist->Add("/"+ sr.Name);
} while (FindNext(sr) == 0);
for( int i =0;i< stringlist->Count; i++){
Form1->Item = Form1->ListView1->Items->Add();
Form1->Item->Text = stringlist->Strings[i];
Here the problem is, if I use ListView1->ClearItems()
in TForm1::showfiles it shows me an error saying "Access violation at address (random no), accessing address 00000009". And if I dont use ClearItems()
it just add more lines with already existed lines. I am a beginer, so I dont know where I am doing wrong.
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