I want to copy some columns with headers from a worksheet to another one. I've created an array that looks for the different headers needed so I can copy and paste the entire column into the new tab. I know I have an error somewhere because I'm getting a type mismatch error and possibly other types as well. Can someone take a look and see what I'm missing/have wrong?
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim strHeader() As String
Dim intColumnsMax As Integer
Sheets.Add.Name = "Material Master"
Sheets.Add.Name = "BOM"
intColumnsMax = Sheets("HW Zpure Template").UsedRange.Columns.Count
ReDim strHeader(1 To intColumnsMax)
strHeader(1) = "MATERIAL"
strHeader(2) = "MATERIAL TYPE"
For Each rngCell In Rows(4)
For i = 1 To intColumnsMax
If strHeader(i) = rngCell.Value Then
Sheets("Material Master").Select
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Material Master").Cells(1, i)
Sheets("HW Zpure Template").Select
End If
Next i
I prefer to use
to locate a specific column header label rather than cycling through them trying to find a match. To that end, I've heavily modified your code.Correct me if I'm wrong, but your code seemed to be looking for the column labels in row 4. That is what I'm using above but if that assumption is incorrect then the fix should be fairly self-evident. I've also stacked the copied columns into the first available column to the right. Your code may have been putting them in the original position.
When you run the above, please note that it will remove worksheets named Material Master or BOM without asking in favor of inserting its own worksheets of those names. Given that, it's probably best to run on a copy of your original.