Convert PDF text into outlines?

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Does anybody know a way to vectorize the text in a PDF document? That is, I want each letter to be a shape/outline, without any textual content. I'm using a Linux system, and open source or a non-Windows solution would be preferred.

The context: I'm trying to edit some old PDFs, for which I no longer have the fonts. I'd like to do it in Inkscape, but that will replace all the fonts with generic ones, and that's barely readable. I've also been converting back and forth using pdf2ps and ps2pdf, but the font info stays there. So when I load it into Inkscape, it still looks awful.

Any ideas? Thanks.


There are 4 answers

renatoc On BEST ANSWER

To achieve this, you will have to:

  1. Split your PDF into individual pages;
  2. Convert your PDF pages into SVG;
  3. Edit the pages you want
  4. Reassemble the pages

This answer will omit step 3, since that's not programmable.

Splitting the PDF

If you don't want a programmatic way to split documents, the modern way would be with using stapler. In your favorite shell:

stapler burst file.pdf

Would generate {file_1.pdf,...,file_N.pdf}, where 1...N are the PDF pages. Stapler itself uses PyPDF2 and the code for splitting a PDF file is not that complex. The following function splits a file and saves the individual pages in the current directory. (shamelessly copying from the file)

import math
import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader

def split(filename):
    with open(filename) as inputfp:
        inputpdf = PdfFileReader(inputfp)

        base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))

        # Prefix the output template with zeros so that ordering is preserved
        # (page 10 after page 09)
        output_template = ''.join([

        for page in range(inputpdf.getNumPages()):
            outputpdf = PdfFileWriter()

            outputname = output_template % (page + 1)

            with open(outputname, 'wb') as fp:

Converting the individual pages to SVG

Now to convert the PDFs to editable files, I'd probably use pdf2svg.

pdf2svg input.pdf output.svg

If we take a look at the pdf2svg.c file, we can see that the code in principle is not that complex (assuming the input filename is in the filename variable and the output file name is in the outputname variable). A minimal working example in python follows. It requires the pycairo and pypoppler libraries:

import os

import cairo
import poppler

def convert(inputname, outputname):
    # Convert the input file name to an URI to please poppler
    uri = 'file://' + os.path.abspath(inputname)

    pdffile = poppler.document_new_from_file(uri, None)

    # We only have one page, since we split prior to converting. Get the page
    page = pdffile.get_page(0)

    # Get the page dimensions
    width, height = page.get_size()

    # Open the SVG file to write on
    surface = cairo.SVGSurface(outputname, width, height)
    context = cairo.Context(surface)

    # Now we finally can render the PDF to SVG

At this point you should have an SVG in which all text has been converted to paths, and will be able to edit with Inkscape without rendering issues.

Combining steps 1 and 2

You can call pdf2svg in a for loop to do that. But you would need to know the number of pages beforehand. The code below figures the number of pages and does the conversion in a single step. It requires only pycairo and pypoppler:

import os, math

import cairo
import poppler

def convert(inputname, base=None):
    '''Converts a multi-page PDF to multiple SVG files.

    :param inputname: Name of the PDF to be converted
    :param base: Base name for the SVG files (optional)
    if base is None:
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputname))

    # Convert the input file name to an URI to please poppler
    uri = 'file://' + os.path.abspath(inputname)

    pdffile = poppler.document_new_from_file(uri, None)

    pages = pdffile.get_n_pages()

    # Prefix the output template with zeros so that ordering is preserved
    # (page 10 after page 09)
    output_template = ''.join([

    # Iterate over all pages
    for nthpage in range(pages):
        page = pdffile.get_page(nthpage)

        # Output file name based on template
        outputname = output_template % (nthpage + 1)

        # Get the page dimensions
        width, height = page.get_size()

        # Open the SVG file to write on
        surface = cairo.SVGSurface(outputname, width, height)
        context = cairo.Context(surface)

        # Now we finally can render the PDF to SVG

        # Free some memory

Assembling the SVGs into a single PDF

To reassemble you can use the pair inkscape / stapler to convert the files manually. But it is not hard to write code that does this. The code below uses rsvg and cairo. To convert from SVG and merge everything into a single PDF:

import rsvg
import cairo

def convert_merge(inputfiles, outputname):
    # We have to create a PDF surface and inform a size. The size is
    # irrelevant, though, as we will define the sizes of each page
    # individually.
    outputsurface = cairo.PDFSurface(outputname, 1, 1)
    outputcontext = cairo.Context(outputsurface)

    for inputfile in inputfiles:
        # Open the SVG
        svg = rsvg.Handle(file=inputfile)

        # Set the size of the page itself
        outputsurface.set_size(svg.props.width, svg.props.height)

        # Draw on the PDF

        # Finish the page and start a new one

    # Free some memory

PS: It should be possible to use the command pdftocairo, but it doesn't seem to call render_for_printing(), which makes the output SVG maintain the font information.

LSerni On

I'm afraid to vectorize the PDFs you would still need the original fonts (or a lot of work).

Some possibilities that come to mind:

  • dump the uncompressed PDF with pdftk and discover what the font names are, then look for them on FontMonster or other font service.

  • use some online font recognition service to get a close match with your font, in order to preserve kerning (I guess kerning and alignment are what's making your text unreadable)

  • try replacing the fonts manually (again pdftk to convert the PDF to a PDF which is editable with sed. This editing will break the PDF, but pdftk will then be able to recompress the damaged PDF to a useable one).

plinth On

Here's what you really want - font substitution. You want some code/app to be able to go through the file and make appropriate changes to the embedded fonts.

This task is doable and is anywhere from easy to non-trivial. It's easy when you have a font that matches the metrics of the font in the file and the encoding used for the font is sane. You could probably do this with iText or DotPdf (the latter is not free beyond the evaluation, and is my company's product). If you modified pdf2ps, you could probably manage changing the fonts on the way through too.

If the fonts used in the file are font subsets that have creative reencoding, then you are in hell and will likely have all manner of pain doing the change. Here's why:

PostScript was designed at a point when there was no Unicode. Adobe used a single byte for characters and whenever you rendered any string, the glyph to draw was taken from a 256 entry table called the encoding vector. If a standard encoding didn't have what you wanted, you were encouraged to make fonts on the fly based on the standard font that differed only in encoding.

When Adobe created Acrobat, they wanted to make transition from PostScript as easy as possible so that font mechanism was modeled. When the ability to embed fonts into PDFs was added, it was clear that this would bloat the files, so PDF also included the ability to have font subsets. Font subsets are made by taking an existing font and removing all the glyphs that won't be used and re-encoding it into the PDF. The may be no standard relationship between the encoding vector and the code points in the file - all those may be changed. Instead, there may be an embedded PostScript function /ToUnicode which will translate encoded characters to a Unicode representation.

So yeah, non-trivial.

Adam Smith On

For the folks who come after me: The best solutions I found were to use Evince to print as SVG, or to use the pdf2svg program that's accessible via Synaptic on Mint. However, Inkscape wasn't able to cope with the resulting SVGs--it entered an infinite loop with the error message:

File display/nr-arena-item.cpp line 323 (?): Assertion item->state & NR_ARENA_ITEM_STATE_BBOX failed

I'm giving up this quest for now, but maybe I'll try again in a year or two. In the meantime, maybe one of these solutions will work for you.