How do I get the word-equivalent of a floating-point number? E.g.
- 10.24 → ten point twenty-four
- 5.113 → five point hundred and thirteen
How do I get the word-equivalent of a floating-point number? E.g.
Use the linguistics gem:
require 'linguistics'
Linguistics.use( :en )
p 10.24.en.numwords #=> "ten point two four"
p 5.113.en.numwords #=> "five point one one three"
or try to use this hack as described in this answer to get more precision:
require "linguistics"
class Float
def my_numwords
self.to_s.split('.').collect { |n| n.en.numwords }.join(' point ')
p 10.24.my_numwords #=> "ten point two four"
p 5.113.my_numwords #=> ""five point one hundred and thirteen"
There's a gem called numbers_and_words for that! I've used it in several projects without any problems so far.