content_for are not rendering in partial views

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I have a rails app which uses a layout

The simplified version looks like this:

    <%= render 'layouts/head' # renders the "layouts/_head.html.erb" partial correctly  
                              # the most head (css/js) content gets implemented here %>

    <%= yield # renders the current action %>

    <!-- implement alls scripts which should be exectued on the bottom of the page -->
    <%= content_for :scripts_bottom %>

in my `layouts/_head.html.erb' I use

 <%= content_for :scripts_head %>
 <!-- it seems `content_for` instead of `yield` appends content -->

In my partials I place the following snippets to append them :scripts_head. (some of my partials should put javaScripts

<% content_for :scripts_head do %>
    <%= javascript_include_tag 'some_script' %>
<% end %>

The content_for in the `layouts/head' renders nothing

How can I resolve that?

It looks like that partials are not able to append their content_for content when the content_for :blah do is placed BEHIND the echoing content_for / yield tag.

If I try try content_for :scripts_bottom it will get rendered at the bottom of the page.

Thanks in advance

Rails 3.2.14 ruby 2.0.0p247


There are 3 answers

Dudo On

instead of provide, try <%= content_for :scripts_head %>

AntelopeSalad On

If you want to use content_for then you need to yield it in your head instead of render.

So your header would look like:

<%= yield :scripts_head %>

Alternatively you can remove the content_for in your partial and just have the JS by itself like this:

<%= javascript_include_tag 'some_script' %>

Then you wouldn't have to change your layout file.


In your layouts/head partial, use yield :scripts_head not content_for