Configure Azure CDN caching

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I am trying to configure Azure CDN caching (Microsoft Standard), but something does not work for me. I pointed CDN to and my CDN is configured to (the whole website under WWW is served from CDN)

When I request the WWW website, I get it back from CDN, but it looks like CDN does not do any caching. For example, if I make a change to the content and refresh the WWW website, it returns me a version with the content updated.

I am doing the following caching rules, which instructs CDN to cache everything for 5 days but looks like either my rule is wrong or I am doing something wrong.

Can you please help to configure CDN caching for Azure or at least point me in the right direction?

Update: what I am trying to achieve is to serve the WWW version from CDN cache, so even if the website is down, users still can open it from CDN.

enter image description here


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