The following code resides in a user control, whose properties are successfully filled (set) from the main program. For some reason, when different items are selected in ComboBox1, the items in ComboBox2 do not change -- although the data in myarray are different in various fields and records. The problem seems to be in the selected index from Combobox1, since the items in Combobox2 never change but the data are different. Therefore, the index drawn from Combobox 1 is not changing when trying to fill ComboBox2 items. Any suggestions?
Public Class filter
Public Property numfields As Integer
Public Property fieldnames As String()
Public Property numrecs As Integer
Public Property myarray As Object(,)
Sub filter_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
For i As Integer = 1 To numfields
End Sub
Sub ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim index As Integer = ComboBox1.SelectedIndex + 1 'This is the input variable that was selected
Dim dicfilter As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
For i = 1 To numrecs 'input word is not known, so learn it (increment known word array by 1 and add word)
If dicfilter.ContainsKey(myarray(i - 1, index - 1).ToString) = False Then
Dim myValues As New List(Of String)
dicfilter.Add(myarray(i - 1, index - 1).ToString, myValues)
ComboBox2.Items.Add(myarray(i - 1, index - 1).ToString)
End If
End Sub
End Class
Why do you start your INDICES at 1 and NOT 0
Additionally in this line below, what does NUMRECS represent?
If NUMRECS is 0 then your LOOP will NEVER Execute and it will jump straight to the NEXT and then to END SUB!