Coldfusion 9 Session variable error when ran in scheduler

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I have a process that when I run it manually, it runs fine with no errors. I have it set up in CF Administrator Scheduler to run daily at 3:00am. It runs and errors out at the same line every time. It has done this for the past week.
Error: Element DATEE is undefined in SESSION. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\data\wwwroot\webapps\cfeis\commonapp\sftp\newpdfs.cfm, line: 45
I know this session variable exists, besauce it is used a couple lines before, and it works fine there.

 <!---Loops through selected folder. If .zip found, extracts all files into same folder--->
  <cfdirectory action="list" directory="#dropfolder#\#session.datee#" name="listRoot">
  <cfloop query="listRoot">
  <!---<cfif contains ".zip">--->
    <cfif contains ".zip" and contains "Writing">
      <cfset session.foldname=#left(, len(>
      <cfif not DirectoryExists("#dropfolder#\#session.datee#\#session.foldname#")>
        <cfset DirectoryCreate("#dropfolder#\#session.datee#\#session.foldname#")>
        <cfzip action="unzip" destination="#dropfolder#\#session.datee#\#session.foldname#" file="#dropfolder#\#session.datee#\" overwrite="yes" recurse="yes">
          <cfsavecontent variable= "mailmessage">
          <cfmail from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]" subject="Unzip error" type="html">
            <cfmailpart type="text/html" charset="utf-8">#mailmessage#</cfmailpart>
            <cfmailpart type="text/plain" charset="utf-8">#textMessage(mailmessage)#</cfmailpart>

<cfset session.funzip=0>
<cfset session.funzipArr=ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset sleep(10000)>
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#dropfolder#\#session.datee#\#session.foldname#" name="listRoot">

The line it errors at is the last line shown in the code above. As you can see, the same variable is used 3-4 times earlier in the code. Can someone help me understand what could be causing this???


There are 1 answers

James A Mohler On

Sessions and scheduled tasks often don't work together. Sessions are typically are used as a part of a login process. There is no user to login on a scheduled tasks.

If this is your complete code, you can replace session.* with request.*